Health problems, credit card debt, family crisis

This is the most difficult post I have ever made. I am in a tough spot currently. I am a mother of 5 biological and one adopted daughter. My husband passed away in a automobile accident, leaving me to be the breadwinner of the family. I was diagnosed with 3 autoimmune diseases, leaving me with the decision to change my career. Financially it was straining. I went from never having to worry and providing everything everyone needed and helping others to not being able to afford food, fix the car or pay the bills. I don't have family that is able to help. Credit cards were how we bought groceries, went to the doctor, got medicine anything that was necessary. I was training to be able to open my own business when my car broke down again. I have exhausted all financial options that I have. My 10 yewr old adopted daughter was born with brain damage due to in utero drug and alcohol exposure and has explosive episodes. She has now been hospitalized for 8 weeks and we don't know what the future holds. I have been stressed out to the max trying to find ways to care for my family. Well it caught up with me and I had an autoimmune flare, I couldn't even move without assistance to get to a restroom for 11 days. I use every penny I make from my current job to pay what bills I can to keep a roof over our heads. Every step I was taking to try to better our life has just been completely halted with the recent events. I feel completely defeated. I am their mother, never in my life did I ever imagine that I would be in this situation. 3 year ago I was providing Christmas for other families in need, fostering children that needed families, and thought I could build back to that in no time. It's heartbreaking. I never thought I'd be asking for help, here I am though. If you can find the kindness to share your blessings with my family we would be forever grateful. I am trying to keep that little bit of hope that with some time, and maybe a few miracles we can turn this back around and reach those dreams and goals that we had. I want to thank anyone who takes the time to read this and just ask that if you can please say a little prayer for my family. A little prayer can go a long way.

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