In Desperate help, my disabled wife and i

I have a beautiful, yet bedridden disabled wife, who I have loved and adored since I was 17, these last glorious 27 years. But have fallen on desperate times. Our only vehicle, had its AWD transfer case fail just 2 months after the warranty expire, and we can’t afford the nearly 5k dollar repair, and I just 2 days ago, lost my job of 12 years, because to many sick days do to suffering from mini strokes that started this year. I, we… are truly and horribly desperate. My friends and family have done their best, but to get a reasonable paying new job, I need this vehicle fixed. It pains and shames me, but I am begging… utterly begging for the first time in my 47 years, begging… anyone with any heart and generosity, please… not for me, never for me… but for my beautiful wife.. please can you help…. If by the grace of god, the grace of Jesus Crist, and of course the grace of you, most high hearted and generous of people are willing, my cashapp is also available at $WarriorEx

I AM UTTERLY BEGGING YOU ALL, please… if you seek to just scam, with the typical, “hey I’ll help with X amount of money, just send me x amount of money” please for the love of god, look deep within yourself, and ask, if my wife of 28 years was disabled and confined to her bed, of your only vehicle was damaged with a huge repair bill you can’t afford, if you were broke, broken, utterly hopeless and desperate, how would you handle literally every offer of aid, being just some lowlife, zero honor scumbag trying to scam you out of your last dollar? PLEASE I BEG YOU… I AM AT MY LOWEST AND DESPERATE, PLEASE JUSY STOP… And don’t do it… please.

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