Hi, first my name is Heather Bailey. I am a mother of 2 beautiful children. My daughter's name is Paige. She's 28. My son's name is James hunter. He is 26 this year. He is getting married in December and it has been a long hard road with me and my children. Had been through hell and back again. My children have ever come some of the hardest things that a child should never be put through. I was engaged to a man and he was raping my children for 3 of the 4 years that I was with him and I had no clue what was going on because I was working 2 jobs and going to school. Wow He got the kids on and off the bus at 5 years old. Hugh, he raked my son and they hid it so that they could keep me safe and keep each other safe so that he wouldn't hurt them as they got older, they did go to court. They they put him in prison for the rest of his lies the rest of his life. Um, he got 13 counts of life. He'll never see. The chance of parole, but my kids stood up to this man and showed him that they were not afraid of him after all, but my son took a road that was a little sketchy. As he got older and become a teenager, he getting drugs and ran went to wrong people at 17, he was facing felony charges for felonies, assault and aggravate a robbery. I had to move to Kentucky when my son turned 18 to help with my father-in-law at 18. He got the same charges again and I didn't know what I was going to do. I had no way to help him at the time. And all I can think of is my son's going to prison. My son is going to prison. Well, his girlfriend at the time, came to him and told him that she was pregnant, and at that point in time, he kinda changed his life. It really changed when his daughter was born Kennedy, and the first time he looked in her eyes, his whole life changed. He has become such a good man. In a wonderful person and I've lived in Kentucky now for 10 years, and I've missed my granch had been born. I've missed all the key moments with my son, my daughter and my grandchildren and I want that one last dance with my son as mother and son on the floor please help me to do this. I want one last dance with my son. He's become such a responsible. Wonderful man that he's changed his life and I want to see his eyes when he marries the woman that he loves.Please give me this chance. I'm asking for money to get to Ohio to see my son get married. I need to rent a car because our car's not good enough or I could purchase a car. And I would love to be able to give them a wedding present date. That they didn't expect that they would get from me, so if you could help, I would greatly appreciate. Help with kidding a vehicle to get to my son's wedding, giving my son a gift. The trip to go see my son be married. Thank you and god bless.
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