Family of 7 on course to homelessness!

Hello, my name is Wes,
My wife and I have five children together we’ve just moved in to the home we physically built as a family. Due to some serious delays and financial hits along the way we stand to loose the home we work so hard on. My wife and teenager daughter both picked up extra work in order to keep food on the table and the bills at bay. At this point we are out of options, credit cards are maxed out, utilities are also delinquent. We could really use some breathing room. We’ve expunged our resources.
All we need is to start the next chapter of our lives on a good note! Our family has been to he’ll and back over the last 3 years. We lived in a small trailer on 2 separate occasions, the first time we couldn’t find a rental for a family our size, then kicked out of our rental  because he sold it, no warning. When we did finally find a place, it caught fire 3 weeks after we moved in. Which happened to be the day after Thanksgiving, no one was hurt, thats what matters, and thankfully we have good people in our lives that helped us. With all the unforseen delays in the build, extension fees, rent, I.O. Mortgage payments, utility bills and escalated food costs we’ve been scraping the bottom for some time now. My wife and I have been doing our best to keep moral up, putting on a smile so the kids don’t worry as much, they see through it but return the favor.
They deserve a break, a chance to be kids , and time to enjoy what they worked so hard for!Thank you very much.$wesmlk

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