I'm 68 and in debt with IRS. I was trying to start a business and I wanted to do government contracts,but never did any sales. I had a coworker that did taxes. Somehow he exaggerated the numbers and I didn't pay attention. IRS audited my 2021 and I didn't know what to send in. Now the IRS says I owe $28,000. I had $6,000 in my retirement and I paid a CPA $5,500 to redo my taxes. The CPA said I would pay $14,000 back to the IRS if they approved the revised taxes. Just this Friday I received the paperwork from the IRS and they disapproved the revised taxes. I do not know how I'm going to pay them off. In July we had the hurricane here in Houston. According to the home insurance my deductible is $20,000. Repairs were under $20,000. Insurance would not pay anything, FEMA came and gave $2600 and just for the removal of trees was $3,500.Then I found out that I also need foundation repairs. I'll never be able to retire. My plan was to retire at 70. The estimation for foundation was $32,000.
Asking for financial help,
$32,000 Foundation Repair
$28,000 IRS
$16,625 Home Repairs
Total $76,625
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