Please help us get a better car and pay off rental arrears

Please help us!

Hi please help me and my autistic disabled son. We badly need a more reliable car.

Firstly, let me say, I am willing to donate my old car to any charity that wants it, once I get a better car, even if it’s just for scrap or parts (she’s a 2002 and I can’t afford to fix her anymore). I was going to do that anyway once I got a better car, in case someone or someplace can get some use out of her somehow.
Hi, my name is Laurie and I’m fundraising for a better used car for myself and my disabled son. My old car is a 2002 and is worn out, dangerous, and about ready to die. It’s got so much leakage of the radiator and other fluids all over, I’m not supposed to be driving it. But we have nothing else.

My son and I are both disabled and on AISH (Disability) and have no money for a newer one. So because of my low-income status, and low credit score, I do not qualify for car loans, bank loans, or credit cards. I’ve tried every way to raise the money. I don’t know what else to do.

My sister and brother won’t help as he lives in another city, and she quit speaking to us over 6 months ago. They are all the family I have left except for my son.

We count on our car for mobility and independence as I am 63 and have trouble with balance, have a heart condition, IBS, depression, pre-diabetes, and a bad back. So taking public transit is too painful for me now.
I must be able to get to my doctor, who is in the other end of town, and my son must get to his Bible college this winter when the cold comes.

My son, Kyle, is a 32 year old autistic man who lives with me, also on AISH, and cannot drive and is unable to even ride a 2 wheel bike, so I drive him where he needs to go. Winter is near and it will soon be too cold for him to take the bus very much, as he suffers from severe sensitivity in his extremities (hands, feet, face, body sensitivities are a symptom of his autism so he must be kept warm).

Now my car is so old I cannot pay for all the repairs it needs. That is why I thought to donate it to some charity when I get a better one. Maybe someone else could somehow get some use from it, or sell for parts, etc.

Even with both of us on AISH we can barely make ends meet enough to meet our needs. Neither of us can hold a job for long because of our disabilities.

So I’m trying to raise money for another used car, a more decent one.

Also, we have about 7 months worth of rental arrears we need to pay back. Please don’t judge me on that I’m not a cheater of any kind, just had to juggle finances very badly during that time.

We would appreciate any help anyone can give us towards reaching our goal.
Anything helps. Whatever God puts on your heart to give. Thank you kindly.

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