
Hi all, I recently started a job where I boost apps for merchants and I was making really good money but in order to boost the apps, I had to put my own money in and then I would get it back plus my profit, however, I didn’t know how to do things correctly and now I don’t have any money left to continue so I really really really need help. Sometimes when boosting the apps, it’s possible to get an app that pays A LOT more than the others and it happens randomly but if I get an app like that, I have to put more money in. The more money I make in 1 boosting session the more money I have to put in if I get one of those apps that pays a lot more, and I can’t withdraw the money until I pay the balance and finish boosting all the apps. Right now, I have a balance of $6,300, I have $0 in my bank account, I have a charge-off on my credit report and a low credit score so it’s very very hard to get a loan or credit card right now, and I had a different job before but they stopped paying me and a few other people out of nowhere a couple months ago so I had to quit. When I pay off the balance, I can finish boosting the apps and withdraw about $14,000 so if any of you would be willing to give me the $6,300 or however much you can give me, I would be so inexplicably grateful. I’ve learned my lesson and now I know how to do this job correctly so I don’t have such high balances. This job is exactly the type of job that I’ve been wanting for so long because it pays the salary that I need to fulfill my dreams. Music and theatre are my favorite things in the world so I want to move to Manhattan, New York to become a singer and be on broadway which is very expensive and I’m disabled which would make it even more expensive for me to move out of my mom’s house to New York because then I might have to pay for nursing which is why I really need to keep doing this app boosting job. I don’t know how else to make the money that I need to live in New York besides app boosting or having a business which both require money that I don’t have so I really need someone to help me with the $6,300. Thank you so much for reading!

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