Cancelled during the Pandemic 2022

As a manufacturers representative for 24 plus years, I was cancelled two years ago in the midst of the pandemic for sustaining the company I represented for those 24 years. The reason was they were converting my accounts to the son of the President of the company. The son was not capable of delivering new business and they informed me I was not bringing in new business, I was delivering over $40,000 per month in revenue to this company. But I was the one that was cancelled, after 24 years. The past 2 years I have struggled to get going again, it's been difficult. I did get a loan based on the EIDL from the SBA but that has now dried up. I need funding in order to continue my manufacturers rep business, I have new lines but now out of money to go out and sell those lines. Please help me for the next 6-12 months get this rolling, I know I can deliver business for the new lines and get rolling again. I would estimate a need for $30,000 to $60,000 would get me through to get up to a level where I can pay my own way again.

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