Father died 12/09/19 brother and I are coexecutors of his will. Younger brother living in property had Financial Power of Attorney I had Medical Power of Attorney. Father's Attorney retired but his Law Firm says they will help but brother must contact them. Brother does not contact Attorney tons of excuses why not. Now claims he was supporting Dad when Dad's expenses were about $3,000 and income almost $5,000. Attorney says this is a contested Will since brother will not cooperate. Recently discovered he has not paid property taxes since 2016. Approximately $40,000 now owed. Sale of house will cover the expenses. Anything would help an attorney that could help now and accept payments along the way or full payment at end would be good too. In brother's support he has not been himself since our Mom died (8yrs ago) and then his wife(4yrs ago). Just need this settled.
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