Help Save Percy Bear

Hello! My name is Aubrey Burchell and I am the 20 year old owner of Percy the 13 year old short haired gray tabby. I adopted Percy through Facebook after his previous owners passed away. He was in need of a loving home and I was elated to provide. Little did I know that he was going to become the light of my life for the passed year and a half. Percy is spunky, sassy, hilarious, and one of the most loving cats out there. So when Percy started showing signs of decreased appetite and weight loss, I booked him a vet appointment as soon as I could. Percy’s red blood cell counts are half what they’re supposed to be. His red blood cells are exploding. The prognosis is emergent and Percy still has that same spunk that he always had, and is as cuddly and loving as ever. Percy needs a blood transfusion, more than likely a feeding tube, and several nights of hospitalization in order to save his life. This could run me up to about $3000-$6000 in vet bills. I am currently employed at target, and unfortunately do not have the funds to get Percy the care he needs. Please help me do right by Percy and get him to the emergency vet so that he can live out the rest of his life. A share and a few dollars could go a very long way. Any extra money will be donated to various organizations that help pet owners in need pay their vet bills.

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