Hi I’m doing this campaign to help my friend Niurka ( nickname Niki) her ordeal started when she went for a day surgery to remove an IUD that was there for 29 years. She was told that it was removed when she had a miscarriage, but one day she couldn’t walk, she had a CT scan and they found that she had this IUD hidden, she went for surgery to remove it but they were complication. The doctors perforated her bowel when trying to remove the iud. But when she was awake, she kept complaining that something was wrong with her, Nobody listen to her they told her it’s just post op due to the major surgery/ a day surgery became a major one. Because she’s very strong she doesn’t show when she’s in pain. She’s a high pain tolerance, which is not good, the doctors missed her stroke, She had a stroke they find out after seven days of her requesting to be checked.
All This cause her to lose her vision on one eye, loose her balance. She is not able to work she is using a cane. She wasn’t able to go back to work. She had three jobs and Now she cannot do even one of those jobs. She has to use all her saving to survive because her company only had long-term disability and now that a long-term was accepted is not enough she had to pay for medication and many other things.
it Break my heart to see her financially, physically and mentally unstable because her life has changed 180°. She has to use an eyepatch to function and doesn’t even see properly in the good eye.
That is why I come to you to ask for help, to help her, she really needs a hand
thank you
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