Land to buy a house and for child's education

My name is Tharaka, my wife Pradeepa has won the we were in a remote village.we do farming.he give up everything in the village and came to the city for the child.I work as a driver.currently my child is seven years old.the child is also good at leaving.Whit the Sri Lankan economy.the amount received from my salary is very low.but we taught the child the difficulty.right now I am in a lot of financial trouble.a solution has arisen where it is impossible to eat or wear clothes.the person who owns the house wants the house.I have been told to leave within fifteen days.I hope for your kind support.and very quickly.I hope I will have your full support.I hope to build a new land and house and spend on the child's education.I hope that I will have your full support to do hope is that my child will become an engineer.I can do it very easily if I get your full support.also seeking full support.
Finally I got what I expected,my child as a useful child for the world can will be possible to live happily.I hope these facts will be taken in to consideration. Please help me.

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