This money will be used to help me get out of dept and work less, Allow me to build and focus on my family, my wife has autism and I’m struggling to keep up with our loans (student, paying our car debt, and giving a portion back to her mom for helping us with the ada bathroom remodel. While this isn’t an excuse I did drop out of college due to love, and busted my behind and bought a house at just 21! Believe it or not? She did finish school and while I’m proud she isn’t able to enter the workforce due to us living so remote and being health compromised, I work in the funeral industry so I work all hours of the night and pickup all the extra shifts I can. We use to do great but this past year our financial hardship was blown out of proportion from her losing her father, to our beloved golden getting paralyzed, and three days later my father passed, and now I owe in for taxes, so every time I think we get a break something happens,
my cash app is $gthompson100
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