Help Us for My Beloved Emotional Support Cat

New Year's Day, we rushed my emotional support cat, KK, to the emergency Veterinary Hospital in Corvallis, Oregon.
For the past 15 to 20 years, I have struggled with medical and psychiatric challenges that have prevented me from working. I’ve been reliant on social security for my survival.
● About 15 years ago my life changed when I adopted KK, a Maine Coon cat. She had been a stray
cat in another city and she came into my life as a beacon of love and hope, providing me with companionship and comfort during my darkest days. When I was sick, she would come and
sleep beside me until I was better. She was there when I was bedridden in dark days, giving me a reason to get out of bed and find joy in life once again.
● KK has always been my constant companion—sitting by my side through all conditions, bringing me warmth and love.
● I can’t imagine how I would have endured so many tough moments without her.
We took KK to Willamette Emergency Veterinary Hospital in Corvallis, Oregon. She was suffering with
lethargy, abdominal pain, and fever. For several days she fought against Cholangiohepatitis—a painful
condition that inflames her bile ducts, gall bladder, and liver. Each day we visited her brought mounting
Her medical bills were over $2,000 per day. However, that was never a question.
We were facing one of the hardest decisions of our lives, and time was running out.
To bring her home the clinic would have to install a permanent feeding tube to face an uncertain future
without medical care and she would be in pain for the remainder of her life.
It broke my heart to think of losing her after all she has given me. However, I felt this was not a time to
be selfish, I had to make my hardest decision ever – to let her go.
During this time, we accumulated debt of $8362.57, including her final expenses for a water cremation.
We exhausted every resource—maxed out credit cards, emptied our bank accounts, and closed my last
small IRA. We are now at a critical financial juncture. At the credit card interest rates of 15.49% &
23.49%, I will likely never pay off the debt. And yet, I would do it again to have saved her.
I now find myself in an uncomfortable need of asking for help. If you can find it in your heart to help us
during this time, it would mean the world to us. Your kindness could truly be a miracle for KK”s memory
and myself.
Thank you for considering my plea.

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