I need help to start afresh with my life

I am a single parent {mother); I was teaching in another Province because there was no job in my Province. Then I met a boyfriend, he was a police officer. I became pregnant while I was condomizing. I decided to build a house for me to stay with the child and the helper. Because my mother was terminally ill of breast Cancer, she passed away after some few months.
The boyfriend was sending people to shoot outside my place, for me to be scared so that he can come and stay with me, pretending as if he was coming to protect me. They started by doing house breaking with his friends. I opened the case, it was given to another Investigating Officer. He was tempering with the evidence until the case was given to him, for him to com, closer to me. and I discovered that when I was gone back home. He started fire in the kitchen where I was staying pretended were other people I was sharing with them the house. I told him to move out and go back where he was staying. He refused for many times (about 6 months), telling me that his parents chased him out of their house because of the step mother. That was then I discovered, he was staying with his parents. Then I advised him to buy his own house because he is working, he was not answering.
He kept on convincing me to move in to my new house, it was finished long ago, I didn’t want to move in with him. He promised to move out when he sees that I am settled. When I told him that he can move out now, I am right, he was resisting t straight in my face. He was telling the child that he wants to sleep with her, he will rape her she was 5 years by then. The child told me that he attempted to kill her, because she told me that, he said, they must kill me, he will find many mothers who will raise her. I planned to take transfer to my original place. He was chasing helpers behind my back, until helpers were coming in the morning and go when I come back from work. Then I started to find him several times attempting to kill me at night with a gun, Other times with a knife, or a big needle or a long wire. It continued until I was not sleeping at night for the whole month because he was not sleeping too, few months ago. I told my Principal and Chief of the area about my situation.
One day I managed to escape the place with the help of the Chief because he was chasing me with a gun around 9am. When I was home, I reported the issue to our Circuit Manager, he agreed that I can look for a vacant post around my place to take a transfer. Also reported to the District Director and the Principal. After two days I discovered that has sent hit men to come and kill me at home with the help of my aunt, he promised her a lot of money. I had to run away to hide in another place. Then I went to open the Protection of Order. When the Sheriff of the court went serve him, he was denying himself, until he was served by his Station Commander. He did not appear to court for the first time, they served him again, he came because they promised to arrest him if he does not appear to court.
The Magistrate approved the Protection Order but he said, it is the Court of the place where the house is can evict him out of my house or an Attorney. I had to hire an Attorney, because the Magistrate and Prosecutor were his friends he was working with them as an Investigating Officer. My Attorney took the case to the High Court. He never appeared in court until the court declared him to be evicted. When the Sheriff went to evict him, with his hit men pointed guns to him, and told him to go and never come back or interfered with the case, if he comes back they will kill him. The sheriff informed his superior and my Attorney with letters. The Attorney had to instruct the police to Arrest and evict him with the help of the Court and Station Commander, only to find that I had no money to continue with the case because my salary was terminated.
I wrote a letter to The National Minister of Police Service and The Commissioner, informed them about the whole issue. The National Commissioner of Police services instructed me to open the case of Trespassing and Violation of Protection of Order, because he was keep on sending me threatening messages. and he will take it from there. I opened the case, he was arrested by another District. The following day, he was transferred back to the cell where he was working and the case. On the third day, his friends (The Magistrate and The Prosecutor) gave him bail. Shockingly I was this parents who came to pay for his bail, whereas they told me that he is a thug and he run away from, they are not aware where was he staying, when I told them about the issue. I searched his parents until I find them, I discovered that they knew that he was staying with me and know me but they never advised me about him.
My attorney agreed to transfer the case to another Court, the Court informed me that the Investing Officer did not investigate case. The Investigation Officer said to me, there is no evidence and the case was closed two months ago when I was calling him. The Investigating Officer was from where he was working. And he continued to be in my house from then (2017) until to date. He also hired hit man for me since I left my house 2016 November. No one is allowed to come near my house, there are body guards, while I am renting. I cannot stay in my parents’ house, he sent his hit men to shoot and kill me there with the help of my Aunt, she promised her a lot of money. I discovered before they arrived, I had to run away.
When he went back to KZN from Court for Protection of Order, he spreads rumours that I am mentally disturbed, he is from hospital to see me. My neighbours called me, they found that it is a lie. The man he was going with him to Protection of Order was telling people the truth, he died no one know what happened to him. When I left in 2016, he was spreading rumours that he found me sleeping with another man, then I run away.
On the other side, I was looking for a school but when we were doing paper work with my Circuit Inspector, when the school where I got space communicated with him over the phone, they no longer wanted to continue with the process. Up until I wrote a letter to the District Director in my Province, he said I must choose a school in his area. Now the District Director had to speak with the other District Director no longer him, for him was to sign the transfer forms. Instead of signing the forms, he terminated my salary behind the District Director “s back. When I called the District Director of my previous place, he said he does not want to die, his children are young. In my Province, they said I must sort out issues with my previous Province first, because is the same Department.
I took the issue to Court through Labour Attorney. The Circuit inspector bought my Attorney. My Attorney told me that the following day is my court case but I am not supposed to be in court, he will be there alone. But in the morning I got a call from his PA, telling me that the Court is starting, she gave me the link, I joined, there was lock down because of CONVID 19. The Attorney was surprised to see me. When the Magistrate was talking to me he was interfering, speaking on behalf of the Department of Education against me. The court instructed them to give me my back dated salaries and reinstate my persal number. After Court the Attorney told me that I must go back to Job. They will transfer me to another school, that was the original place of the ex- boyfriend. And said I am just go because I am just a civil servant, I must accept that. The Department of Education resisted to comply with the decision of the Court.
I had to hire a new Attorney. We went to Court twice, given the same instruction but still resisted to comply. The case had to be taken to Labour Court, I had no money to continue with my case since 2023 to date. But the Provincial Office said the circuit Manager must answer for himself, but he failed to give a valid answer.
Right now we are struggling, no food, no money to pay rent, no money to pay school fees, no money for transport to school for her l, no lunch box, no school uniform. I have to pay school fees for last year and, for January this year for her to go back to school, and to pay the money people were borrowing me pay those few months for school fees for the child not to be chased at school. I have to pay the owner of the school transport money the whole of last year transporting her to school, hoping that I will get the job and pay. I am still looking for any type of job with no success, instead people are losing jobs.
Last year she was in detention for several times eating lunchboxes of other children at school. Sometimes she was sleeping in sick room for the whole day of stomach pains because of hunger, sometimes of itching eyes, drowsy of starving. My child does not participate in school sports because she does not have sport wear. Now I am worried if she is going back to school or not this year, she is just 13-year-old, where we are going to stay, and might start to do wrong things because of peer pressure.
I urge anybody who can help us to start afresh with life, money to pay school fees, buy school uniform, pay transport and buy food for now. I wish to start my own business, to support my child and help others who needs help like me in future. Please I beg for anybody who can help us, for the child to get back to school on the 15/ 10/2025 like other children, having school uniform, transport and lunch box’
Thank you in advance.
May God Bless You

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