Because I signed up on cyberbag, I lost all my money

Your story has deeply moved us, and I'm pastor Mrs Sharon Leo , a dedicated helper of those in need. As part of our church's outreach program, we visit cyber begging sites to provide financial support to individuals who require assistance. We allocate 20% of our church's income every month to this cause. If you're in need of help, please don't hesitate to contact me with your full name, current home address, cellphone number, and the amount needed via email. or some take your money by using Cash App Bitcoin, Bitcoin, other venues find the same organization uses Walmart Visa and credit card money cards.
And then they use this organization. It's called FedEx company, who takes the rest of your money. Once they get your money So I'll end it up, losing $3000 to this organization that contacted me. Baiting ( i'm using using Google dictation out and it sucks)baiting the person am I promising them small amounts? A launch cast like $2000, then $5000, then 10000 and 20000 if you paid so much money upfront fees, never receiving your money, remember receiving what it is if they're promising, they just go to the next phase and Totally dismissed, undermine the money you previously sent in. It's a number ending story on both sides. Before you get the money that they're promising and then after it's packaged and put into a box, then they start the whole process over again as far as you getting the money. So you never get the money, all? They just ask is for money money. Money, my most current one is that they supposedly had an accident. It's called FedEx company 3. At or something like that, and then now they want $800 to repackage my package and won't Deliberate, until they unto you send them through Walmart. Apple gift cards pay them up front and then they change the narrative once they receive their money. Now, what's a never-ending story? Because it's a scam, it's all a scam, and I lost my search, do the innocence? Thinking that I was secure on this platform! Christian organization! The reason why I signed up initially was because I have a limo business that is suffering behind Uber and lyft, getting into the industry and totally undermining it with its low pricing n convenience and the fact that none of the drivers are none of the drivers, none of the drivers. Our paying anywhere anywhere near what they need to be paying for insurance. I PA $1.5 million of insurance.
My my payments are $1100 a month. For insurance alone a $1000 a month for the car payment for the next 6 years. I can't afford it. I'm 3 card payments behind About to lose my insurance. My business has been losing money, and it's hard to stay afloat. I need a cushion so that I can continue to compete with Uber prices.
And sustain my business, but right now I'm completely broke because I was scammed, I'm this Christian organization that took every dime I have. So please, I'm reaching out to the world. There's someone who can help me financially. Please help save my business that does service?The community and god bless! P s I am also a philanthropist who helps a lot of people when there in need of rides and cannot get from point a to point b for 1 reason or anotherfor free or a very low uber type price! I have done this on so many occasions. I've lost count mode, so I am going to help my follow Americans but now I need your help, if someone's willing to help me. I would greatly appreciate it. I'm looking for at least maybe $50000. Approximately even 25, what greatly help
To save my business, but at this point, I'll even accept 3. To cover all the losses that I have lost thus far. What's signing up on in contact it by this religious organization that took all my money because of the crazy fees and empty promises, which means scam, a scam, is something that is promised.
After services are money's r received and then they reneg, one their Promises!

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