Personal Assistance & Support for Ministry

Personal Assistance & Support for Ministry

Dear Friends of Goodwill

To the truth, I find no comfort in asking for financial assistance or donations from any other persons or funding sources to assist me in my personal endeavors to assist a Gospel of Jesus Christ preaching Ministry in building capacities in human resources, Pastors and physical infrastructural developments for a small group of growing rural churches in Papua New Guinea (PNG).

The Ministry, Temple Builders Ministry, was first established in 1996 and has eight churches and has Pastors numbering twenty, all are stationed in remote, rural areas of Madang, Morobe, Eastern Highlands and Simbu Provinces of the country.

The purpose of preaching gospel message in these rural areas are targeted to reach and persuade youth and youth groups, and teach them about the Word of God”. Through, the gospel teaching there is greater hope that the youths would live a healthy and peaceful lives and thus keep them from abuses of drugs, marijuana, home brew and alcohol consumption that normally causes social disturbances and unrests in the villages.

Nearly, all the Pastors serving the communities are from within the local church area and most of them have not passed the sixth year of primary education, literally, untrained in any pastoral training institutions however are preaching the gospel message of Jesus by the grace of God.

Site of Project
The project site is located in Papua New Guinea, and has a populace of ten million, and the country is governed by democratic government, headed by a Prime Minister. Economically, PNG, is perhaps a rich nation on account of natural resources and reserves, it has. PNG is indeed blessed with abundant natural resources including oil and gas (liquefied natural gasses), gold, copper and silver, forestry (timber), tuna (fishes), and agricultural export products like oil palms, coffee, cocoa, coconuts, spices etc). Although, the country in its richness, the disbursement (distribution) of power and wealth equally or fairly to the populace or where it is needed most is however lacking due to poor receiving infrastructure (outlays) coupled with poor management practices, and middlemen or the third-party syndrome.

Personal Details
My name is Joseph Kerage, aged 68 years and am an environmental chemist by profession. I retired from active duty in 2012 (1976 to 2012) and accepted Jesus Christ in January 2013. Shortly after accepting Jesus, I joined the Ministry and was soon appointed as Church Elder to the local church and active to date. During this ministry life, I used whatever support I could from my retirement benefits, notably assisted to build a church building, assist fund churches to stage crusades/meeting/rallies, transport them from province to another and feeding them.

Project Areas to focus on:
1. The Physical Building consisting mostly of semi-permanent to be replaced with permanent materials for churches and Pastors dwelling
2. Establish literature center for first time child learning, Sunday school, mothers and young girl’s health-care, and youths.
3. There is yet a greater need to put Pastors to established Pastor’s Training Colleges

Personal Commitment and Sacrifice
In July, 2017, I was recalled to my old job as a Team Leader of the Chemical Analysis Laboratory of the state of PNG. During this employment, God was good to me so I built a church (8m x 13m), and opened doors to Christians in April 2019.

In 2023 and 2024, for the first time ever, I conducted 5 days training for the Pastors on 3 occasions and 2 more sessions left for 2025 before graduating them. I hired experienced training Pastors from another ministry, Four Square Church Secondary College to conduct the trainings.
I am doing what I can as God provides and to date all are from within self and family, and any support from fellow Christian, whether educated or business oriented, are rather lacking maybe because of the remote location of the church.

Dear Friends of the Goodwill, I have been with the ministry since 2013 and slowly working with whatever I can from my paid job, that supposed to be for family but alas, find myself sharing that so I call on Friends to support me where they see where this story is leading them to, and can decide on the appropriate feedback where God is willing.

And any funds received from this website would greatly assist me as a person, and place me in an awesome position to assist my Ministry, and I cannot do it alone, I do need you to shoulder this concern together and help the Gospel of Jesus Christ to reach even the remote areas of PNG and set the captives free.

And lastly, during this journey since 2013 to date, I have not asked anyone for any favor except God, the Almighty who sees everything as it unfolds, Amen.

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