This pains me because I’ve always been too prideful to ask for help. But when it comes to my family, I have to swallow my pride. We’re a single income family of four with two small children. Without a support any close family and the insane cost of childcare, we had little choice but for my wife to quit her job to stay at home with the kids. My company does not offer healthcare, so despite picking up every hour of overtime I can get, I can’t seem to keep my head above water with bills. My paycheck is out the door the same day it arrives. Ive been borrowing money from future paychecks on lending apps just to make it by each month, but this is digging my hole deeper. My wife battles severe anxiety and depression, so our financial situation has put immense stress on our marriage and us as parents. I feel like I’m failing as a husband and a father. Ive applied for financial assistance, but have been denied. I don’t know where else to turn and it kills me to the core that I’m here now asking for help.
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