need help for 86 year old mother w/ Assisted Living or Home care

I am new to this but here goes. My father passed away nearly 5 years ago unexpectedly and I have been looking after my now 86 year mother with her health and financial affairs. My mother has a pacemaker, asthma, high blood pressure, kidney problems, and also had a knee replacement and hip repaired over the last few years. She has very little mobility and or strength in legs and hans so uses a wheelchair to get around outside her room. She is currently in her 4th Assisted living home and still has issues being cared for. I will have to try home care again but because she cannot left unattended this will cost nearly as much as assisted living at the low end. I work in a position that requires me to commute 5o miles a day so I cannot be home with her plus I have been unable to obtain any state assistance for her because she does not qualify due to her soc sec amounts and survivor benefits plus other family members are no nearby and they state they cannot help. Can anyone help offset her assisted living costs or help with home care costs.

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