Anything would help---$5 to get gas, toilet paper, pet food..

Absolutely any amount would help. 5 bucks can get us enough gas to drive to town to the grocery store or buy a pack of toilet paper or a bag of pet food.

We have done everything we can to keep from asking for money from our family but recently i had to. I don't want to put them in anymore of a hard spot. I have quit paying all of our credit cards, turned off all unnecessary bills and subscriptions to be able to pay our mortgage and ONLY ncessary bills. I got us food stamps and insurance through the state.

We are a little family of 3 in KY- My husband and I are in our early 40's and our only child, is 11. Plus 2 dogs and a kitty.

My husband is self employed and has supported us with no problem until COVID hit. He has been steadily making less and less. I try to sell clothing, etc on 2nd hand websites. I am an artist also. A painter. My mental health took a turn after I had our daughter and then my father passed soon after. 8 out of the past 10 yrs I have had 2 therapists and 2 psychiatrists. I am unable to work bc of it and am currently working on getting disability.
We have been holding on by a thread for a year now. Once you get behind, it is incredibly hard to catch up. Especially when your HVAC unit goes out and you have to finance a new one which equals a new bill.

Did you read all of that? I'm embarrassed and it really hurts my pride to do this. Thank you for even considering to offer your help.

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