Any amount will help. I'm in need of financial assistance. I have to be out of my apartment by the end of this month, January 2025. My apartment building was bought out by new owners, 3 months ago. I've been at this apartment for 4 years,paid my rent in full and on time. I thought I would renew my lease, as always, but was told by new management company they're not going to renew my lease/and I have to reapply for apartment I'm already in/ no guarantee that they'll renew it. They also raised the rent by 400.00/from 750 to 1,105.00 month.
I'm retired on Social security, and don't have enough for my monthly bills. I can't live with any family, because they're struggling too, and also have health issues. I'd appreciate any financial help. Trying to get new apartment, but application fees, and deposits are hard to pay.
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