Hi there I’m Chris and I’m 42 years old. Life has not been the easiest at all here. So why I’m here is because I got scammed online this past July out of about $32k. That money was inherited to me by my late parents. So how everything happened was that I was messaging who appeared to be a young Asian woman. She was telling me about investing in cryptocurrency. I was really skeptical about it. She of course told me it was legit and if I invested I could make more money. That if I did I wouldn't have to work again. At the time I was working and wasn’t making much money each week.
So she convinced me to invest what I had and kept pushing me day after day to deposit money into bitcoin, following that onto a blockchain. I should have never told her how much I had to begin with. I really wanted to stop putting money like this I needed to live and was left for me. This kept happening week after week until I only had $5k left. That money I ended up spending, so I’m down to almost nothing now. Life is really not the same now since this happened
I’m currently not working right now looking for a job. The money I had was supposed to be for me to travel to visit family, as well as pay the bills, since now me and my brother have the house now. I also have a couple of credit cards I need to bring the balance down and eventually pay them off. So please anyone who can help me with as much as they can it would really be greatly appreciated by all means |