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Money for Reverse Recruiting Services

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I’ve been working as an intern since November 2023. The company I have been working at doesn’t appear to have any plans to hire me before my internship runs out. I’ve been homeless before, I really don’t want to be homeless again.

I graduated in May 2024. I spent 6 years getting a CS degree because everyone said it was a guaranteed path to a stable middle class lifestyle. With the hiring freeze going on, it’s really hard to find work. I read this article about how the newest way gatekeep to keep the rich rich and the poor poor, is that it’s currently next to impossible to get a decent living wage without using a reverse recruiter.

I found one that is incredibly highly rated, 500 verified reviews on the BB website and 5/5 stars. They said that with my skills and experience, they could get me into a position in 3 to 6 months making $110k to $140k. I have been job searching for over a year, put in almost 12k resumes, and the only offers I have had were for jobs across the country, with no moving assistance, paying less than Walmart.

The problem is that they charge $4k a month and do not do payment plans or deferred payment of any kind. I have tried applying to loans and asking family if they can help. My dad has cancer from chemical exposure during his time in the military, and is on social security or he’d do anything he could to help. No one will give me a loan for anything close to that much. I would be happy to take out a loan if someone would give me one.

I don’t want to end up homeless, my partner is disabled with a service dog from his time in the military, my dad has cancer from his time in the military, my sister is a vulnerable special needs adult, everyone is relying on me and I don’t know what to do.

I need to find a job that can pay my bills and support my family before my internship runs out and we end up on the street.

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