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Ongoing medical financial help needed

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Hi Humanity,
My name is Sandrajoy and I am in need of financial funds to pay back overwhelming medical bills and day to day living expenses such as medicines, and clothing. I need $54,000 to pay back numerous hospital visits. This is an ongoing personal challenge. Kindly help me with donations.

I had a asthma attack in 97 and was placed on a ventilator. I was taken off two and half weeks later physically compromised. What precipitated this attack was my love of animals especially my cat named Happy. I felt he was lonely and I made a big mistake by bringing in another cat. The cat jeopardized my health, a massive allergic uncontrollable asthma attack occurred. I was dying on the ventilator, the staff and police prayed over me. At that time I was unaware that cats create asthma attacks that people die from. I woke up paralyzed and my world turned inside out. My windpipe was scarred and I couldn't speak for many years. Braces were placed on both arms and legs to learn how to walk again. I did not have a stroke. Asthma medications, prednisone and antibiotics incapacitated my immune system. While intubated my body became very sick and I was placed on Cipro. These medications ruined my body creating unbearable burning, unrelentless neuropathy and myopathy. I was unable to pick up a comb to comb my hair. Back then and presently I cannot use the lights in my home. The heat from the light exacerbates the burning sensations all over my body. When it is windy outside the burning exacerbates uncontrollably and I suffer. I have tried to get better by changing diets, removing mercury from teeth. I participate in Qi Qong to break up blockages in my system daily. I no longer have the financial funds to pay for my medical bills that equal $54,000. My pain medicine is $235.00 monthly. The medicine in 2022 was $50.00 a month. I am asking humanity to help me pay these medical bills and to have money to buy clothes. I want to be healed with the Medbeds or something similar. I want to return back to work healed and smiling. I also love to heal others and to see people happy. Knowing that people are eating properly and caring for themselves is amazing. I want to teach humanity with Ayurveda and Nadi Shodhana. I have healed people in the past. And now I want to share my sacred knowledge and get paid for it.

I love planet earth because each of us is a microcosm within a macrocosm. I need help financially from this overwhelming medical burden. Please give donations to me. I am sending you my light and my love. Keep all our children safe and protect our animals

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