Brain Tumur 2 yrs ago, but request help.
2 yrs ago during a check up for a severe sinus infection. I told the Dcotor I did have a hydraulic line blow up into my face. He said well I see you do have one. But due to what you told me I also want you to have a CT scan done today. So I went to where the CT scans are done. Had it done. Did not take that long. Maybe 30 mins. It was at the Hospital across the street from the Dcotor offices for that company. I was told to wait in the hallway for a bit. So I did. About 20 mins or so later a Nurse told me she needed to take me to the ER. I am like Ok but any Idea why?? So goes sorry I do not. After being checked into ER, and waiting for a spell. The Doctor shows up and said to me.. Do you have any Idea why you are here. My responce was. No but can I Buy a Clue. He proceeded to scroll though the CT scan and says. Well when they did your CT scan they found this. They noticed a 1.5 cm by 1.5 cm by 6 cm tummor in my right frontal lob and 3 smaller ones the size of US nickel to Quarter. I laughed and said.. Well not too shocked. I think i shocked the Doctor in ER on how well I took it. So after about 3 MRI's and 6 months I have the large on removed and had the 3 smaller ones left alone. The smaller ones had calcified and not a danger to me. The large one that was removed was not cancerous. And I am still happy over that. Now 2 years later and 4 more MRI's i am still free from that one and the smaller ones are not growing. Now to my request, or 2. I am close to retirement. I could retire in 1.5 yrs if all goes well. But due to evething that has happend over 2 years I will need to delay it. My hope is to raise the moneyy to get all bills down to where i can retire in 1.5 years and not 4 more years. And make things easier for my wife and kids if anything happens. That would take about 600k to be 90% debt free and pay for 2 yrs of Education for my 2 kids. Myy 2nd request if anyone would want to help me with it will add to my about by about 200k more. And that is so I could take myy mother, wife and my self on a trip to 3 places in the world. One of them being to the Phillippines where my loving wife if from. The 2 other places are in Europe where both my mother and wife would like to go. I want to leave both my Mother and Wife great Memory for them. No m tummors are doing well. But you never know. A Neighbor i grew up with now have stage 4 brain canser and a relative I grew up with has it as well. But the way I am.. I plan for the worse and pray for the best. Thank you for reading this. Sorry for my spelling and gramar as well.
All i got are scammers contacting me 24/7 and all i wished for is some help.. I hope everyone has a great day.. |
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