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Your Amazing Assistance In Finding Me A Remote Work Job To Do

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Thank you so wonderfully compassionately to anyone who reads this, by chance. Please have it uniquely exquisitely in your heart to give caring support in this manner and way.

My name is Gabriel. I am in the aftermath of delicately caring for my Mother with an ailment.

I am looking for a uniquely wonderful individual to assist me heroically with finding an at home, remote work job for me.

Ideally, I would like at least $12.50 hourly - or $500 a week. I can assist you with valor for the majority of the day - and at 7 days a week for you, truly concretely literally.

Ideally, I am looking for as follows:

1.) Data entry - is there any company overall data that must be stocked away, kept record of, saved, and continuously recorded by typing that I can valiantly help you with in true care?

2.) Cold emailing - with perhaps edited given scripts provided by you - and then following up with a potential link from your company for the customers via email method. Helping out with interactive email alerts for customers, and potential customers.

3.) Email messaging based customer service support (which of course you would provide the pre-made answers, and the inner website for me to retrieve the responses from, and the answers myself in kind care for your customers, so attentively for you).

4.) SMS texting to customers within the USA. Do you need me to kindly text message the clients - or the customers from my personal cellphone with important text reminders, or notifications from, or about your company? This can be both current - and potential customers, and clients alike for you.

5.) Virtual Chatroom website assistant. Responding to, and answering the general customer service questions, through an online Virtual Chatroom, which you of course would provide the inner website for me to gather the prompt responses - and the collected answers, gracefully.

6.) Preparing handwritten envelopes, and letters for you by stamping them, signing them, addressing them, adding stickers to them, or even handwriting their content in preparation to be mailed off to the Post Office in broad care for you.

Again - I am looking for at least $12.50 hourly, or $500 weekly. I will be giving many photos of myself through email, and we can also speak in person, face to face, on WhatsApp video to become better acquainted through the friendship in pristinely high regard.

Please help me, find it so uniquely pleasant in your heart to follow through with guided, supportive help for me so nicely. Email me with privately respected help at AVOTYDE_0@AOL.COM if you can you heroically privately assist me.

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