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Stumbled along the way and need help.

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Their life began in 2007.

Nicholas and Victoria had always been the perfect couple. They met at Arby's, fell in love, and spent all their time together. They were both ambitious and driven, and they had big plans for their future together. They lived with his mom, everyone worked and they all had a happy life living together.
Nick worked a full 40 hour week, took extra jobs as a mobile mechanic every chance he got and helped everyone that asked him for help. He was ambitious and determined to share knowledge and be good to others.
Vicki had two jobs and a teenage daughter to take care of. She ended up taking a job as a security guard and put herself through school to be an MA.
During school chronic illness hit her and took the life they had worked diligently towards, and it all began to slip away. She was eventually unable to work. She saw specialist after specialist, test after test, and prescription after prescription. With no progress or diagnosis for almost 7 years.
Meanwhile Mom was getting sicker and sicker ... Eventually she asked Nick to stay home,quit his job and help take care of her and the home.
Nick continued every side job and took care of everything mom and Vicki could not accomplish, with a smile on his face.
Maybe 18 months later grandma needed home care, we weren't putting Grandma in a home, we loved her and made sure she had her family around here continuously, and took the best care of her she would allow, she was "comfortable" when she passed in 2015.
About 4-5 months later we found mom in an emergency state, and had to get her to the hospital. We called 911 .. EMTs incubated her in the driveway and when we saw her the next time she was hooked into every life sustaining equipment you could think of.

She came home a week later, Drs told her she could no longer live in Florida because of her health situations.
Her two daughters came down from up north and took her home with them.

Our world shattered beneath us. We just lost our life in a sense, and basically a sense of who we were and how we were going to move forward. Mom paid all the bills and we took care of absolutely everything else. The home was foreclosed , about 9 months after Mom moved up north.
We moved into the RV that we purchased, with every last dime we came up with ... After selling everything in the home and storage .
We had moved into an RV Park and got a job at a transmission shop in the next town and have been working every day.

It is 7 years later, and they had planned their wedding for a few years and planned to get married in May of 2020. Unfortunately a pandemic had engulfed the world. The wedding still happened but it was not what they were looking forward to...
Nick has worked everyday, through COVID.
He got to a point of exhaustion, underpaid, unappreciated,and berated at work regardless of how well he performed his duties.
In December, after having a steady income for 8 years... And not being able to put food on the table or have anything to put back for the future he decided to venture off on his own.
Unfortunately this has only incurred more overhead expenses that have left us financially unable to catch up let alone keep up.
Now we are surviving on Amscot loans,and food banks.
We want to do better, to be able to have the chance to be productive and progressive, and to do more than to survive.

But lately, things have taken a turn for the worse. Nicholas had made a bold decision to quit his stable job as a mechanic and pursue a job as a self employed delivery driver.
Started out good, making good money then all the expenses started to pile up witch were expected to some degree. But not to this extent.
During that time he caught a cold and was unable to work for several days and that didn't help their situation.
Realizing that delivery driving is not helping them, he started looking for another jobs
Financially this was making them sink faster. By the time they realized what was happening it was already too late...
Now they have no way out, and need help from wonderful people like you, to help them out of a bad situation.
They have a dream and are working towards that goal. But the stress of day to day life without a steady job is making everything so difficult.
They are in the process of creating a business plan for an RV Park that will generate lots of money and jobs for lots of people and a beautiful RV Park that residents and visitors will enjoy for years to come.

With bills piling up and no steady income, Nicholas and Victoria are struggling to make ends meet. They are relying on food banks and loans from apps and Amscot to put food on the table.
But the mounting debt is taking a toll on their relationship. They find themselves fighting over every little thing, something they have never done before.
Nicholas is determined to make things right. He has scoured job listings every day, but nothing seemed to pan out. He felt like a failure and couldn't bear to see the disappointment in Victoria's eyes. They were drowning in debt, and he didn't know how they would ever get out of it.
They could really use some help to get them back on track and financially free from the stress that has overwhelmed them.
They are looking for funds to get them back on their feet
He now has a couple of promising offers. He will be working and making money very soon, but needs help fast.

Asking for $4000 - $5000 so they can pay off credit cards and past due bills and get back on their feet.

Please and Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Hope you have a blessed day!

Nicholas & Victoria George.

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