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My name is Robert Bowling, I am a 44 year old married male. My wife, Shauntel, is disabled, she is blind. I have been the bread winner and the one taking care of the bills. My financial situation started in December of 2022. The owner had to close down one of her 2 shops where I was working. The stress of that caused me to have a heart attack in on Feb 7th 2023. I had a stent put in and completely changed my lifestyle. Well unknow to me or the doctors at the hospital, I had an ulcer, so the medicine that I was put on for my heart attack and high blood preassure, combined with the over the counter medicine for my migraine headaches, ripped the ulcer open and I was re-hospitalized for severe internal bleeding. Then in March of 23 I was informed I had type 2 diabetes and because of reports from nurses at the hospital, it was believed I might have sleep apnea. Medicaid finally approved for my sleep apnea test in June, it was conclusive that I have severe sleep apnea. Due to back issues in my back, middle and lower. I had MRI's done. I have severe arthritis as well as bulging and pinching of nerves. Due to my health issues, my options are very limited. I just finished my 4 procedures where they go in and burn the nerves in my lower back. They are trying to figure out what can be done with my back issues in the middle of my back where I have bulging that is pressing against my spinal cord and in some areas my spinal cord is flattened. Then 11 days ago I suffered a mini stroke also known as a TIA. I was hospitalized for that as well. With my wifes blindness, it is due to a rare form of glaucoma that runs in her family. In her left eye, she only has light perception in the top corner and in her right eye she has about 12 to 16 percent of vision remaining, but no peripheral vision. In her left eye she suffered a stroke in it in march/april 2018, Because of this she has to get an injection in her eye every 4 weeks. The injection is because of the human bodies way of trying to heal itself. Unfortunately the eye tries to create blood vessels that should not be there and that are not fully formed. From 2018 thru 2022 Medicaid only covered a very small percentage due to me working so many hours. I tried to keep up but we still always had a balance. Medicaid did not start covering everything for her until Feb of this year. So the bills kept racking up. Now due to my health issues as well and all the medicine i am on, the bills are piling up fast. Due to my health I am only able to work part time at the moment. I swear i am trying my best. I am a proud man but i am swallowing my pride. I am past due on my rent and behind on bills. Can somebody please help me. I swear to you i will find someway to repay you back. I will fill out paperwork. I just need help to get back on my feet , PLEASE

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