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This is our story of life

In 1969 I chased my sole-mate and future wife down A1A in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. After numerous attempts to get her to even recognize me or my Hot Rod car which at the time was a 1969 AMX 390 HP 4-speed. She had a White 1965 6-Cylinder Go-Fast Mustang. After months of pursuing her she finally said “I-do” on 10/31/69. We both had good jobs, she was an Administrative Assistant and I was a Union Carpenter. Things were doing fine until I had a Construction accident where I fell off a 8’ wall onto a concrete slab. I was taken to the hospital and under went a disco gram in my neck. We were still on our honeymoon I spent mine in the hospital, she spent hers at home alone. It was five years later when we got the news that we were having a baby, so on 2/12/75 we were blessed with a baby girl. Dave continuing progressing thru the construction industry finally in 1996 took his State Certified Contractor Exam and passed. Life was good, we have done a lot of things that people only dream of until Melody broke her leg in seven places roller skating and was in a cast for one year. I can remember trying to bribe the doctor to cut the cast down 2’’, didn’t happen. Our lives have been fulfilled to the max with different adventures that we pursued. (Built air boats, raced the AMX, had numerous ocean boats, loved fishing, hunting, building a 1934 four-door Ford Deluxe from the ground up, that took us 5 years to complete and we enjoyed vacationing). Our lives have been somewhat UN-eventful until recently. We have never had a honeymoon or anything like it. Last year was the beginning of the end for me. After going thru triple-by-pass heart surgery and being diagnosed with Emphysema I have been put on oxygen 24/7 for over a year now, and have been told from Pulmonary doctor that I will be 100% dependent on oxygen for the rest of my life. Melody after her leg finally healed was diagnosed with MVP and A-Fib that was unexpected and has recently had a Pacemaker implanted in her chest. This put a severe damper on our hobbies that we had enjoyed, we loved to metal detect on the beach, running RC boats in the local lakes and now our lives have come to a sudden halt. I am 78 and my wife is 74. I have had four knee operations due to a construction accident. My dear wife has been working steady since we got married over 55years ago and never quit or looked back for a minute. We have both had problems with health that have really made a difference in our “golden-years”. If someone had told me way back when, to stop spending money on foolish items and save your money for the future, but we never had the advice, and are now struggling with facing huge bills $16,000 a car and $92K on our house and mounting medical bills when she finally quits working. We have never begged or borrowed money from anybody, but now we are at a point where we can use some assistance. Neither of us knows how much longer we have due to the severity of our issues. Wife recently broke her hip and had to have major surgery and will be out of work for approximately 15weeks. Hoping that her boss doesn’t lay her off we need money Any help would be appreciated! On top of this problem we have had roof rats invade our house after the hurricane came thru and we had to sign a contract with Orkin we can supply you a copy of this contract so you can believe us. for $13K on top of this, the hurricane wiped out 200’ of our fence and State Farm will not pay for it FEMA is not available in our area so we are at odds as to what to do. The fence will cost $2.500 and $2,500 for labor for a total of $13,000 + $5,000 for a total of $18K or whatever you feel you can do for us.
Dave &melody

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